Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!

On Tuesday December 13th, Jesse and I had to get off work a little early so we could go to Dr. Chaffin's office in Teays Valley for our first ultrasound.  We were very excited and I was a little nervous.  They make you drink a ton of water beforehand....then they make you sit and wait forever in a waiting room before they push around on your belly!   It turned out to not be as bad as I imagined, so I was very grateful.  They took awhile to get to us and THEN, it took almost an hour to get all of the photos that they needed.

The technician was a nice, young lady and she walked us through the process.  First, she put about a pound of clear goo on my stomach (which may or may not have soaked through my jeans).  Then, she told us about all the photos that she was taking.  She had to make sure that our little one had all ten fingers and toes.  She had to measure all of the bones and then, at the end, with all the combined measurements, they can get an estimate of the baby's weight.  We later learned that it weighed about 13.5 oz, which was right on track with my due date.  She also had to make sure the heart was pumping normally.  It was pumping well at 151 beats per minute, which she declared as "perfect."

At first, the little "stinker," as she called it, wouldn't sit still. So, she couldn't get some of the heart photos that she needed.  Then, we were lucky enough to get to see three REALLY cute yawns...and the baby fell asleep on it's belly.

Now....for the good part.  The technician says, "So, do you want to know the sex?" and I say "YES"...and Jesse reluctantly says, "Do you already know?"  The technician responds, "uuhh...YEAH"  (kind of like it was obvious to her) So, Jesse says, "That must mean it's a boy?" and she says, "uuhh..NO."  So, Jesse says, "ok, tell us" or something like that. And she says, "It IS a boy."  And I was so excited!!!  I didn't realize how much I had wanted a boy until that moment.  I was also so happy for Jesse.  I said, "I told you it was a boy!"  and he immediately pulled out his cell phone and texted his friend, Ty...then his whole tell them the news.  And on the ultrasound photos, there is no mistakening it....he is for sure a boy.  I cried a bit and then do to a combination of the fact that my head was tilted sideways to look at the screen, and just staring at that blurry screen for almost an hour, I couldn't get my eyes to stop watering!  I looked like a blubbering mess. 

 Since the little guy fell asleep on his belly, the position made it impossible for the technician to get the heart photos that she needed.  She wiggled my belly around, but still couldn't get the "stinker" to roll over.  So, we actually have to come back in a month and do it all over again!  I'm secretly very happy that we get to go back just so I can have another chance to see him!

I called my dad from the parking lot.  First thing I said was, "Just wanted to let you know that you are having a Grandson!"  His response: "Oh My God!"  haha.   It was fun telling the family, especially since it's a boy!  With 9 neices and only 2 nephews and NONE of the Crouch boys born first, we weren't sure it was possible! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting Close to the Gender Reveal!

On Saturday I will be 20 weeks pregnant...and then on Tuesday I get to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl! I can't wait!

Jesse would prefer to wait to find out the sex: He says he doesn't want to be disappointed (if it's a girl). He knows that he won't be disappointed on the day of the birth, since he'll get to see her and fall in love with her, of course.

Sorry, Jesse! I can't wait! I want to decorate the nursery and buy stuff that doesn't look to plain for a girl and too girly for a boy!  So, anyway...we'll be finding out the sex on Tuesday and I. Can't. Wait.

Jesse mentioned that we should have the ultrasound technician write down the gender on a sheet of paper and put it in an envelope.  Then, we can find out if it's a boy or a girl while we are alone.  So, we might do that.

I saw some photos on Pinterest where a family had the technician write down the results and put it in an envelope.  They took the envelope to a party store and had them fill up a box with helium for a girl and blue for a boy.  Then....they brought the box home and hired a photographer to photograph them opening the box!  The photos were super cute!   I've also heard of people having gender reveal parties.  That could be fun!  However, I doubt that I'll be able to wait that long.  If we put it in an envelope...I'm pretty sure I'll be checking it in the car!...maybe the parking lot!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

19 Weeks

I think my baby bump is getting bigger.  People are actually making comments and I see them looking at my belly a lot.  I don't mind at all.  I'm excited about it.  Jesse thinks I'm crazy, but there is something really amazing about  getting bigger, at least for me!  It makes me pleased to know that my body knows just what to do.  God is an amazing designer and His plans for us are quite intricate and amazing!

I have been feeling better over the past few weeks..and I have had a lot more energy.  I've been trying to walk a lot, either outside when the weather allows or on the treadmill.  I've done some workout DVDs but probably not as much as I should.  Hopefully it won't be too hard to get back into the swing of things after the baby is born.

Only a week and 3 days now until we'll know if we're having a boy or a girl.  I'm so excited!!

I've been planning what I want the nursery to look like..and here is what I'd like for it to look something like if it's a boy.

 I've loved this children's book (especially the illustrations) from the first time I read it (which actually wasn't all that long ago) and I decided to base my color scheme from it.

For a girl, I'm not a certain...but this is one of my ideas for her room. (Kinda matches the blog, huh?)