Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh Boy, Oh Boy!!

On Tuesday December 13th, Jesse and I had to get off work a little early so we could go to Dr. Chaffin's office in Teays Valley for our first ultrasound.  We were very excited and I was a little nervous.  They make you drink a ton of water beforehand....then they make you sit and wait forever in a waiting room before they push around on your belly!   It turned out to not be as bad as I imagined, so I was very grateful.  They took awhile to get to us and THEN, it took almost an hour to get all of the photos that they needed.

The technician was a nice, young lady and she walked us through the process.  First, she put about a pound of clear goo on my stomach (which may or may not have soaked through my jeans).  Then, she told us about all the photos that she was taking.  She had to make sure that our little one had all ten fingers and toes.  She had to measure all of the bones and then, at the end, with all the combined measurements, they can get an estimate of the baby's weight.  We later learned that it weighed about 13.5 oz, which was right on track with my due date.  She also had to make sure the heart was pumping normally.  It was pumping well at 151 beats per minute, which she declared as "perfect."

At first, the little "stinker," as she called it, wouldn't sit still. So, she couldn't get some of the heart photos that she needed.  Then, we were lucky enough to get to see three REALLY cute yawns...and the baby fell asleep on it's belly.

Now....for the good part.  The technician says, "So, do you want to know the sex?" and I say "YES"...and Jesse reluctantly says, "Do you already know?"  The technician responds, "uuhh...YEAH"  (kind of like it was obvious to her) So, Jesse says, "That must mean it's a boy?" and she says, "uuhh..NO."  So, Jesse says, "ok, tell us" or something like that. And she says, "It IS a boy."  And I was so excited!!!  I didn't realize how much I had wanted a boy until that moment.  I was also so happy for Jesse.  I said, "I told you it was a boy!"  and he immediately pulled out his cell phone and texted his friend, Ty...then his whole tell them the news.  And on the ultrasound photos, there is no mistakening it....he is for sure a boy.  I cried a bit and then do to a combination of the fact that my head was tilted sideways to look at the screen, and just staring at that blurry screen for almost an hour, I couldn't get my eyes to stop watering!  I looked like a blubbering mess. 

 Since the little guy fell asleep on his belly, the position made it impossible for the technician to get the heart photos that she needed.  She wiggled my belly around, but still couldn't get the "stinker" to roll over.  So, we actually have to come back in a month and do it all over again!  I'm secretly very happy that we get to go back just so I can have another chance to see him!

I called my dad from the parking lot.  First thing I said was, "Just wanted to let you know that you are having a Grandson!"  His response: "Oh My God!"  haha.   It was fun telling the family, especially since it's a boy!  With 9 neices and only 2 nephews and NONE of the Crouch boys born first, we weren't sure it was possible! 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting Close to the Gender Reveal!

On Saturday I will be 20 weeks pregnant...and then on Tuesday I get to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl! I can't wait!

Jesse would prefer to wait to find out the sex: He says he doesn't want to be disappointed (if it's a girl). He knows that he won't be disappointed on the day of the birth, since he'll get to see her and fall in love with her, of course.

Sorry, Jesse! I can't wait! I want to decorate the nursery and buy stuff that doesn't look to plain for a girl and too girly for a boy!  So, anyway...we'll be finding out the sex on Tuesday and I. Can't. Wait.

Jesse mentioned that we should have the ultrasound technician write down the gender on a sheet of paper and put it in an envelope.  Then, we can find out if it's a boy or a girl while we are alone.  So, we might do that.

I saw some photos on Pinterest where a family had the technician write down the results and put it in an envelope.  They took the envelope to a party store and had them fill up a box with helium for a girl and blue for a boy.  Then....they brought the box home and hired a photographer to photograph them opening the box!  The photos were super cute!   I've also heard of people having gender reveal parties.  That could be fun!  However, I doubt that I'll be able to wait that long.  If we put it in an envelope...I'm pretty sure I'll be checking it in the car!...maybe the parking lot!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

19 Weeks

I think my baby bump is getting bigger.  People are actually making comments and I see them looking at my belly a lot.  I don't mind at all.  I'm excited about it.  Jesse thinks I'm crazy, but there is something really amazing about  getting bigger, at least for me!  It makes me pleased to know that my body knows just what to do.  God is an amazing designer and His plans for us are quite intricate and amazing!

I have been feeling better over the past few weeks..and I have had a lot more energy.  I've been trying to walk a lot, either outside when the weather allows or on the treadmill.  I've done some workout DVDs but probably not as much as I should.  Hopefully it won't be too hard to get back into the swing of things after the baby is born.

Only a week and 3 days now until we'll know if we're having a boy or a girl.  I'm so excited!!

I've been planning what I want the nursery to look like..and here is what I'd like for it to look something like if it's a boy.

 I've loved this children's book (especially the illustrations) from the first time I read it (which actually wasn't all that long ago) and I decided to base my color scheme from it.

For a girl, I'm not a certain...but this is one of my ideas for her room. (Kinda matches the blog, huh?)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

18 week baby bump

 I think Thanksgiving may have given my baby bump a growth spurt!  Here it is at 18 weeks.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I had my hopes up.

I'm feeling very disappointed.

Yesterday afternoon I went to my 4th month OB appointment at the birthing center.  Everything went really well.  As the midwife was just tuning into the baby's heartbeat with the doppler, we heard a loud WHOOOSH noise....and I felt it move!   She said, "That could be movement!"  and I told her how I thought I'd been feeling movement for a little while.   She said it could also be my intestines having spasms.  She said sometimes the spasms feel and sound like movement.  So, there is no way to be sure, but it was still really cool!

Anyway, she said that they would set up an appointment for my ultrasound during my 18th week.  She said it would be around November 30th....which is my birthday, so I was pumped!  I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!!

Today, I got a phone call from them and I was informed that my appointment would be on December 13th!! I can't wait that long! That is almost a whole month away!  I feel really sad and disappointed...even to the point of tears! (Yes, I know I'm an emotional-hormonal wreck right now and I wouldn't normally cry about this) But, I did cry...just for a second.

So, I'm going to try and see if I can get the appointment moved up to be sooner.  I wanted to go for the ultrasound here close by, but I'll drive to Women's and Children's Hospital in Charleston if I can get it sooner!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think I've been feeling the baby move since the 5th of November!  I think that I'm actually feeling the baby move in there and that I'm not just feeling gas! Quite honestly, I think I know what gas feels like and this doesn't feel like that at all!  It feels kinda like butterflies in my belly or a small jolt of electricity.  Sometimes, it feels like there is a lot of flopping going on in there!  However, I've read on various websites and books that 1st time pregnant moms usually don't feel their baby move until they are 18 to 24 weeks!  Which made me wonder if I really was feeling the baby at all!

Then, I had this dream the other night...maybe it was more of a nightmare!  I dreamed I was pregnant with twins and they were both boys.  I've always liked the idea of having twins.  In fact, I've always been kind of obsessed with twins.  I wrote a research paper on twins in high school and I did a different one in college.  However, now with the reality of a living person inside of my body, the thought that there could be TWO in there really freaks me out.

Today, I've continues to have the weird feeling that maybe I am pregnant with twins! Yikes!

So, I googled "signs that you are pregnant with twins" and found out that feeling the baby move early on was a sign that you were pregnant with multiples!! EEEKkk!  It also said that feeling more movement could mean twins!

Even though I've got myself all worked up... I'm still pretty sure that I'm only carrying one....but there is always that thought in the back of my mind!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Caution: Bump Ahead

Well, my belly is starting to show.  I had 2 people comment on it on Friday at school!   I'm in week 15 now (where did this week go?) but I can still button my normal pants.  I've only gained about 4 lbs. but now I'm told that I should be gaining about a pound a week.  Add that to my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas time and pretty soon I'm going to look like the Goodyear blimp!  I just wish I actually looked pregnant instead of just chubby.  I noticed this morning when I was laying on my back that my belly still stuck out.  Normally fat kinda falls out to the side, but it was still pooched up.

Did I mention that my birthday is coming up?  Yikes! I'm going to be 30 on the 30th of the month!  Scary.  I don't want to talk about it!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Welcome to Week 14!

Here we are in week 14! Only about a month before we can find out if we're having a boy or a girl! I'm looking forward to that!

I've been feeling better lately.  I'm not as sleepy...although on Friday night I was zonked tired.  So, maybe I just worked too hard last week!  But anyway... It looks like I'm headed into the 2nd trimester and things are looking better.  Although, I can't complain too much about the 1st trimester.  It really wasn't too bad.

I'll be writing more later!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Baby Names!


It's tough finding a name to go with a last name like Crouch.  The strong C sound is hard AND it only has one syllable, which sometimes makes short names (which are my favorite) sound odd.  I know I have a long time to think about baby names...but I still think about it all the time!  Girl names are so much easier, but I'm having a hard time with boy names.   I'm secretly hoping for a boy....and Jesse is praying, hoping, crossing-fingers, and doing rain-dances for a boy, so I guess I'm focusing more on boy names.  Jesse's brothers and sisters have a lot of kids, 11 to be exact....and only 2 of those are boys!  So, I think everyone would like for us to have a little boy.   My parents even want a boy since I'm their only child, I guess they'd like to have a baby boy.

Before I got pregnant, I prayed for God's will to be done, but I told God that it was the desire of my heart to get pregnant in August with a BOY.  Since He kept His word and gave me the desires of my heart for the timing of my pregnancy, I don't see why He wouldn't make it a boy! However, if it turns out to be a girl, I'll know for a fact that she was God's will and so it will work out to be better for us in the long run.  So, whatever happens... I'm happy. are a few GIRL names that I've been thinking about:

  • Harper
  • Audrey

And here are the BOY names:
  • Larkin (this was the name of one of  my great-grandfathers)
  • Louden (Jesse likes this one because he is a Vision Quest fan)
  • Hayden
  • Bryson (I like this one alot, but I'm afraid Jesse will call him Peabo.)

Please feel free to comment and tell me your opinions on the names...or participate in the anonymous poll on the column to the right. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

No Maternity Leave? Really?

I called the human resources lady for our school district this morning.  I wanted to know if there was anything I needed to do about maternity leave even though it was a long time away.   So, anyway... I found out that the only paid time off that I get is from my own accrued sick days!  I don't get ANY paid leave at all!  What?!

Really?  I thought it was like a law or something!  I thought that everyone got 6 paid weeks off for Maternity!  I guess I was wrong.  I learned that if I do take time off, I have to apply for a Family Medical Leave of Absence...which, of course, is unpaid time off.   To beat all of that, if I take the unpaid leave, I have to pay for my own health insurance during that time!  Wow!  I can't believe this!!

If I use up all of my sick days, that will mean that I won't have any left to take off days if the baby gets sick or needs to go to the doctor for appointments, either!

At least I have a little while to figure out what we are going to do.  I'm really glad that I'm due at the end of the school year!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Keeping it Down!

I got to sleep in this morning and I'm so glad. Jesse and I actually went to bed before 10:30 last night and I woke up at 8:15! I guess due to the fact that I got to sleep in, I was able to cook sausage and eggs for breakfast.....AND I managed to keep it all down! Yay!

Today I am 12 weeks. After this midwife appointment I have scheduled for Monday, I will probably finally be telling the world that I'm having a baby. So, the Facebook post will be coming soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

When will I get a bump?

I'm almost into my 2nd trimester now.   I guess that starts at week 13...and I'll be there in 9 days.  I'm still getting nauseous in the a matter of fact, I threw up today AND yesterday.  I say "threw up" but it was mostly dry heaves....which is worse than throwing up!  

I really haven't gained any weight yet.  I have been eating carbs and letting myself eat things that I wouldn't have eaten before...mostly due to the morning sickness and food aversions.  (Healthy food looks icky.)  So, I have gained a little bit.....and every once in awhile I swear I can feel a belly, but then by the morning it is gone!      Everyone tells me that I'll probably start to show soon, since I'm small......but nothing so far.  When will it start?  I googled "When will I start showing?" and learned that everyone starts at different times.  Also, it said that 1st pregnancies tend to take longer to start showing.   I guess I should just be patient... I'm sure all too soon I'll be wishing my belly was flat again.

I'll be posting more after my birth center appointment on Monday evening.  I'm looking forward to hearing the heartbeat!

Monday, October 3, 2011

It Comes...and It Goes....

This is how I felt this morning!

I wish I understood why morning sickness comes and goes!  It is so hard to predict! Maybe I should go back to eating a cracker before I get out of bed.  This morning I drank a few big gulps of water in the bathroom right after I woke up.  I put on my make-up and then I went downstairs to cook breakfast.   I made 2 fried eggs in butter....and I had leftover sausage gravy with a slice of sprouted bread.  I ate a few bites and I had to quickly throw the cat off of my lap and run to the powder room!  Yikes!  I won't go into details but it was scary!  

As soon as I was done....and I blew my nose and wiped the tears from my eyes, I was able to finish my breakfast.   Tasted much better the second time, even if it was a little cold.  Kitsy was even nice enough to join me again.

Tomorrow I get to sleep in (Special Election Day!) so I should be fine tomorrow.  Uggh.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My 1st OB appointment

On September 19th I had my first appointment at the Birthing Center.  I had to take off a half day from work, because they only schedule the 1st OB appointments at times during the day.  I guess because the first one takes a little time.

I had to fill out a bunch of paperwork first.  After that, I was shown how to take my own blood pressure, weigh myself, and how to test my urine.  The nurse said that pregnant women aren't sick, so they feel like we can do these things ourselves.  They even give us our charts and we fill in the numbers.

After that I went in an exam room and the nurse asked me a bunch of questions.  Then, a midwife came in and she asked a bunch of questions.  Then she gave me a short pelvic exam.  I was 8 weeks pregnant at the time, and I was told that my uterus was measuring the right size.  She also felt my pelvic bones to see if they were large enough to have a baby the natural way.  Good news: She said they were!  I'm small and I have really small bones, so I was worried about that.  Then I got to get dressed, and they drew a bunch of blood for tests.  Apparently, it is a state law that they test pregnant women for syphilis... among other things.  They had to take about 5...maybe 6 vials of  my blood.  I'm supposed to hear back about the blood results (fingers crossed about the syphilis! ha.)

Next appointment is scheduled for October 17th...which should be an exciting appointment, since we'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat!


Friday, September 23, 2011

How we found out...and told our families

It actually all started when my wonderful mother-in-law was visiting our house one evening.  She had just dropped by and in our conversation, I mentioned (and she already knew) that Jesse and I were trying to conceive.  As she was leaving, she gave me a hug and she reached down and touched my stomach.  She said, "Bless your little womb."   It was odd to me...not that she did that....but that I remember feeling the blessing.  It's strange to try to put it into words, but after that moment, I just somehow  "knew" that I was pregnant.

Not long after that I was a few days late, so I stopped at the Dollar General to pick up a pregnancy test.  The only option cost only a dollar! I didn't know if I could trust a one dollar pregnancy test...but I bought it anyway.  At this point, I was fairly sure that I was pregnant anyway.  There were other physical reasons that I won't mention here, but I was pretty sure that strange things were happening to my body.  This was on a Friday after school.  

I waited on Jesse to get home from work and then I took the test....waited three minutes....and saw 2 pink lines.   Jesse and I were really happy and we hugged....then we ate some chili and went to the Winfield/Hurricane football game...where it was hard not to tell anyone!

The next day, Saturday, we were going to a birthday party for Jesse's sister's daughter (our niece), Carly, at FMC Sportsman's Club.  At the end of the festivities....Jesse said "OK, everyone, Erin has something to say."  I was so shocked that I paused for a second...and started to say something....and everyone was looking at me.....and then Jesse spit out, "Yeah, she's pregnant!"    Everyone cheered!

The next day was Sunday.  Every Sunday we go to my parent's house for dinner after church.  So, we knew it was a good opportunity to tell them.  I'm an only child, so this is their first grand-baby.  I knew they were going to be so excited.  So, I took the pregnancy test (wrapped it in plastic wrap, ew.), put it in a box with tissue paper, and wrapped it up like a present.   It was close to my parents anniversary, so we told them we had a gift for them for their anniversary.  As my mom was opening it, Jesse says, "If you need help figuring it out, I can help you with it."  He was trying to throw her off.   She opens it.  Looks at it.   Says "What is this, a flash drive?"   HAHAHA!  Then she says, "Or, is this something you pee on?"  I said, "Well, I already peed on it."  And it was about then that she started freaking out!   She almost immediately called my Aunt Jo to tell her.  I told them that we were trying to keep it a secret for awhile, but they couldn't help it.  I think they called all their family and friends and told them after we left.
USB flash drive 1

We still haven't told "the world" although more and more people approach me and ask about it every day.  I'm not sure how I'm going to make the announcement yet.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We Have Exciting News!

We found out just a few short weeks ago that we will be welcoming a new addition to the Crouch household in 2012!  Jesse and I are very excited, of course...but in all honesty, it doesn't quite feel real yet.  Don't get me wrong, the morning sickness feels real...but the baby growing inside of me, doesn't feel so real yet.  I am having a hard time imagining what life will be like after this.

I plan to use this blog as a place to share information with friends and family about how the pregnancy is progressing.  I also hope to use it as a kind of journal, to document my thoughts and feelings throughout the pregnancy.  

At this point, I am almost 9 weeks pregnant, so I need to catch everyone up on the last few weeks!  I will do that in the next post.